various styles

"Compendium of Metal Vol. 14" and 2021 release plan.
October 26, 2021
The second year of the pandemic was not much different for us than the first one - apart from no festivals and shows (after February 2020), also this year we haven't had any releases until late autumn. Initially we planned to set...
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 13" and 2020 release plan.
October 11, 2020
Even though much later in this year of the plague than normally, we're keeping up the tradition and releasing our next compilation CD. "Compendium of Metal Vol. 13" will be out on October 31st, together with other 5 releases (the...
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 12" and 2019 release plan.
May 5, 2019
Our 12th annual compilation, "Compendium of Metal Vol. 12" was released as always at the Keep It True festival, which was on April 26th this year. Unfortunately, the three regular albums which were planned for the same release...
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April releases.
May 3, 2018
Keep It True festival was the release date for 3 regular albums: MELIAH RAGE "Idol Hands", MELIAH RAGE "Dead to the World" (2018 Edition) and WARFIELD "Wrecking Command", and the annual compilation, VV.AA "Compendium of Metal...
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 11" and 2018 release plan.
April 29, 2018
Our 11th annual compilation, "Compendium of Metal Vol. 11" was released as always at the Keep It True festival, which was on April 27th this year. The CD features 13 songs of 13 bands, coming with an 8 pages informative booklet....
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 9" and 2016 release plan.
May 1, 2016
Our 9th annual compilation, "Compendium of Metal Vol. 9" was released as always at the Keep It True festival, which was on April 29th this year. The CD features 14 songs of 13 bands, coming with an 8 pages informative booklet. It...
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Latest releases.
June 1, 2015
Keep It True festival has been traditionally the release date for our CDs, ever since we started out in 2008. This time we've had 5 new releases at KIT: VV.AA "Compendium of Metal Vol. 8", STONEGRIFF "Come Taste the Blood", DARK...
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 8" and 2015 release plan.
May 1, 2015
Our 8th annual compilation, "Compendium of Metal Vol. 8" was released as always at the Keep It True festival, which was on April 24th this year. The CD features 14 songs of 12 bands, and contains a new, exclusive song of MELIAH...
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 7" and 2014 release plan.
July 2, 2014
"Compendium of Metal Vol. 7" was released on April 25th at the Keep It True festival and available from our shop since then, however before writing about it and about our 2014 release plan we wanted to announce the new bands...
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 6" and 2013 release plan.
April 14, 2013
"Compendium of Metal Vol. 6" will be released on April 19th at the Keep It True festival. Our new compilation CD features 14 songs of 13 bands, and this time most of the songs on it are previously unreleased (MELIAH RAGE and...
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