"Compendium of Metal Vol. 12" and 2019 release plan.

Our 12th annual compilation, "Compendium of Metal Vol. 12" was released as always at the Keep It True festival, which was on April 26th this year. Unfortunately, the three regular albums which were planned for the same release date weren't made and sent by the pressing plant in time, despite us having delivered the materials 2 weeks before the files for the compilation CD.
The CD features 14 songs of 13 bands and comes with an 8-page informative booklet. It contains songs from the upcoming (May) releases by MIDNIGHT PRIEST and SACRAL NIGHT, as well as exclusive songs of IN AEVUM AGERE (a newly signed epic doom metal band from Italy) and ARKHAM WITCH (demo recording from 2015), new and previously unreleased songs of RISEN PROPHECY, KÖMMAND (black/thrash act from USA that has recently joined MOMR) and a previously released only on a limited demo CD-R song of TOXIKULL (Portuguese heavy/thrash band, whom we also recently signed). The other 7 tracks are from our previous releases.
Check the complete track list and more info about "Compendium of Metal Vol. 12" on the page of this release.
The CD, released with an informative 8-page booklet, and packed with old school metal in various styles (with playing time of 74 minutes), costs 6,00 Euro, but you can have it for 4,00 Euro if you order it with the new releases in our SHOP. The album is also available as digital download from our Bandcamp page for 4,00 Euro only.
We put only 9 songs in the Bandcamp player, but you can preview all 14 tracks (about 1-minute excerpts) from the album trailer/promo clip which you can watch on YouTube or here:
And here's our 2019 release schedule:
April 26th (Keep It True festival):
• VV.AA. "Compendium of Metal Vol. 12" CD
May 10th (delayed from April 26th):
• MIDNIGHT PRIEST "Aggressive Hauntings" CD (Heavy Metal from Portugal)
• SACRAL NIGHT "Ancient Remains" CD (Dark Heavy Metal from France)
• IN AEVUM AGERE "Canto III" CD (Epic Doom Metal from Italy)
July 25th (Headbangers Open Air festival):
• RISEN PROPHECY "Voices from the Dust" CD (Power/Thrash Metal from UK)
• ETERNAL THIRST "Purge the Bastards" CD (Heavy/Power Metal from Chile)
• KÖMMAND "Savage Overkill" (Black/Thrash Metal from USA)
September 13th (Storm Crusher Festival):
• ARKHAM WITCH "Sentinels of Steel" (Heavy/Doom Metal from UK)
• TOXIKULL "Cursed and Punished" (Heavy/Thrash Metal from Portugal)
It's possible that we will add one reissue to the September release slot. Hopefully there will be no further changes to this plan but, as always, it depends mostly on the bands if they deliver the albums on time.