SOLSTITIUM joins MOMR, releases music video.

We are elated to introduce the first of the four bands that have recently joined our roster. When this new group from northeastern France submitted their debut album to us this spring, we were so impressed by it, we replied right away and kept listening to it on repeat for days as if our lives depended on it.
SOLSTITIUM play an incredible mix of epic heavy and doom metal with doom/death, and have made every song truly stand out with varying proportions of each style. We have to say we're very picky when it comes to doom/death (or death/doom) genre, finding most bands playing it rather lame and boring, but this band is the polar opposite with a wide range of tempos, moods, killer metal riffs, crushing sound, and both growls and clean vocals absolutely nailing it. As they themselves wrote, "picture a jam session between GRAND MAGUS, CELTIC FROST and BOLT THROWER with early '90s PARADISE LOST for good measure, and it will give you an idea of what SOLSTITIUM is about." We agree and would add also RUNEMAGICK, early MY DYING BRIDE, IRONSWORD, epic era BATHORY and ATLANTEAN KODEX to this list. And it's no wonder how mature and developed their debut album sounds, considering that all musicians involved have played in several other bands for many years. "Morgoth" will be out next week, at the Headbangers Open Air festival.
The band commented:
"We are beyond excited to tell you that SOLSTITIUM has signed a deal with the almighty Metal on Metal! We couldn’t think of a better suited label to team us with. Jowita and Simone share our burning love and passion for old school and traditional metal and perfectly understand what SOLSTITIUM is all about. We are stoked and raise our horns to celebrate the start of what will hopefully be a long and fruitful collaboration!"
SOLSTITIUM teamed up with Hastro Production to film a video clip for "The Cimmerian", which you can watch on our YouTube channel or below.
Here's what François (vocals) had to say about this first single and video:
"'The Cimmerian' is the first song that Sebastien (guitars) played to me back in 2022, when he was just starting to gather some material and was still searching for a singer. The song instantly captivated me and I had a great time putting my vocals on top of it. It perfectly embodies what SOLSTITIUM is all about and it felt like a perfect first track to unveil. The video shoot was just as epic as the song... It contains flaming braziers, a bloodstained sword, metal statues catching fire and evil looking dudes in leather jackets playing fierce epic doom metal in the night with relentless energy and great passion. Crank up the volume, bang your head and DOOM ON!!!"
"Morgoth" will be be available on July 25th on CD, Bandcamp and on all relevant digital platforms. Keep an eye out for the pre-order launch in a few days, when two new songs (including another video clip) will be published and more album details will be revealed.
To find out who the musicians are and how the band came to be, head on to the SOLSTITIUM page.