HI-GH joins our roster.

We are happy to welcome to our small family HI-GH, a very young band from Rome, in fact the youngest one on our roster now. These Italian maniacs formed the group in 2012, released one EP and one full-length album ("Night Dances"), and convinced us not only through their music but also with their attitude, full of enthusiasm and dedication. We haven't seen their show personally yet (only the live clips that are on YouTube), but we have met a few times, once at their rehearsal. The feeling was just right, about everything. As far as their style goes, it could be best described as furious, relentless Speed/Thrash Metal with Punk influences, and spiced up from time to time with '60s and '70s Space Rock/Psychedelia, so you could call them a crossover band in a way. Their music is raw and gritty but also more than just competent technically... the melodic and flashy solos are the best proof. It's totally old school, but at the same time sounds fresh and definitely very personal, a true joy to listen to. Imagine an explosive mixture of MOTORHEAD, VENOM, "Kill'Em All" era METALLICA, "Show No Mercy" era SLAYER (especially when it comes to the vocals), INEPSY, TANK, EXCITER, BLESSED DEATH, G.B.H., D.R.I. and HAWKWIND... Actually, don't imagine. Just listen to the full "Night Dances" album that the band put on their YouTube channel, and see (hear) for yourself!
HI-GH are currently working on the songs for their second album, which they plan to record in April. "Till Death and After" is scheduled for a release this July.
Find out more about the band, watch some promo and live photos (we've collected plenty of fantastic live photos!), and check the links to their pages from HI-GH page on our website.