Heavy X-Mas sale!

No Presents for Christmas?
No problem! We've got some! For you and your friends who share good taste in old school metal with you. So we can help you, and you can help us by freeing some space on our (ware)house shelves for our next releases.
Take a look at the 5 new genre-specific CD bundles we have just added to our web shop... We've got classic HEAVY METAL covered, then US POWER and POWER/THRASH, we have a more pure THRASH bundle, a DOOM METAL bundle and finally an EPIC HEAVY/DOOM and POWER/DOOM bundle. The discounts range from 38% to 48%. Apart from these 5 new bundles we've got other 25, so indulge! And we have also added there 2 titles of our bands - CDs which weren't released by MOMR: METAL LAW "Night of the Wolf" (we got a hold of 4 copies of their debut from 2007) and ARKHAM WITCH "Hammerstorm" (this is an EP which the band self-released this summer).
Regarding our next releases: unfortunately we had to push the 3 releases that we had planned for this November to 2014. Two of the bands (BATTLERAGE and MELIAH RAGE) had delays with recording of their new albums, so it became clear to us a few months ago that we can't release them this year. The third band (OUTRAGE) has already completed their new album, but since we don't release CDs one title at the time, we had to move its release date to 2014 as well. So, all 3 releases should be out at the Keep It True festival on April 25th. Hopefully also METAL LAW will stabilize their line-up and record the follow-up to "Lawbreaker" next year.