ATTACKER "Sins of the World" album details.
November 23, 2016
Last but definitely not least, we present you our 3rd new release, ATTACKER "Sins of the World", which was supposed to be out together with METAL LAW "Hellrider" and SACRED GATE "Countdown to Armageddon" at the Hammer of Doom...
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SACRED GATE "Countdown to Armageddon" details.
November 22, 2016
Out of the 3 planned releases we were to have at the Hammer of Doom festival on November 18th, we've got only SACRED GATE "Countdown to Armageddon" complete (thanks to ordering the discs from a different pressing plant) - see the...
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METAL LAW "Hellrider" album details.
November 22, 2016
We had planned 3 releases for Hammer of Doom festival: METAL LAW "Hellrider", SACRED GATE "Countdown to Armageddon" and ATTACKER "Sins of the World"... Unfortunately, we found out that these plans have to change in a rather...
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"Compendium of Metal Vol. 9" and 2016 release plan.
May 1, 2016
Our 9th annual compilation, "Compendium of Metal Vol. 9" was released as always at the Keep It True festival, which was on April 29th this year. The CD features 14 songs of 13 bands, coming with an 8 pages informative booklet. It...
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ARKHAM WITCH "Get Thothed Vol. II" EP details.
April 30, 2016
Together with the regular full-length CD releases (of ALBRT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS, CADAVERIC POISON and WILDHUNT) and our annual compilation, we released a special one: an EP of ARKHAM WITCH "Get Thothed Vol. II". Like the title...
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WILDHUNT "Descending" album details and pre-order.
April 28, 2016
The third CD release to be out at the Keep It True festival on April 29th is WILDHUNT "Descending". The debut full-length of these young technical thrashers from Austria sounds like a "lost" album from the late '80s/early '90s,...
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CADAVERIC POISON "s/t" album details and pre-order.
April 28, 2016
The second CD release we're going to have out on April 29th is the self-titled debut album of CADAVERIC POISON, a project of Paul Speckmann (MASTER, ABOMINATION, DEATH STRIKE...), Simon Seegel and Felix Darnieder (both...
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Albert Bell's SACRO SANCTUS "Ad Aeternum" details and pre-order.
April 27, 2016
It's high time to announce our next releases, to be out as always at the Keep It True festival, which is on April 29th this year. The first one of them is ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS "Ad Aeternum". On his second solo album Albert...
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WILDHUNT signs with MOMR.
March 10, 2016
We are always on the hunt for young talented bands (and when we come across one that really stands out from the crowd, they have our full attention), but in this case WILDHUNT were the hunters, as it was the band who got in touch...
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CADAVERIC POISON joins our roster.
March 9, 2016
We are proud to announce the co-operation with CADAVERIC POISON, an old school death/thrash metal project. Even though as a band they're a newcomer (formed in 2014), the three musicians involved in it are far from being new to...
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