
ARKHAM WITCH "Legions of the Deeper Depths" details.
July 20, 2024
Back by popular demand, the second album of ARKHAM WITCH, released originally in 2012, is reissued once again, this time under the title "Legions of the Deeper Depths". Remastered in 2015 and now featuring the band's 2013...
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ARKHAM WITCH "Beer and Bullet Belts" compilation.
April 17, 2023
The second release we'll have for the Keep It True festival on April 20th is one that we spontaneously decided to create - it's a compilation CD of ARKHAM WITCH titled "Beer and Bullet Belts". The decision was made not only to...
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ARKHAM WITCH "Swords Against Death" album details.
September 29, 2022
The much delayed and long-awaited fourth full-length album of ARKHAM WITCH "Swords Against Death" is here at last - out on the first day of KEEP IT TRUE Rising II festival on September 30th. And it was definitely worth the wait....
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Albert Bell's SACRO SANCTUS "Sword of Fierbois" album details.
September 29, 2022
The seasoned Maltese musician Albert Bell comes back with his fourth album under the helm of SACRO SANCTUS. "Sword of Fierbois" will see the light of day on September 30th, together with the new releases of ARKHAM WITCH and...
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New releases, pendants and T-shirts.
September 26, 2018
Our latest CD releases, BATTLERAGE "Dreams in Darkness", ATTACKER "Armor of the Gods" and ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS "Liber III: Codex Templarum", were out 3 weeks ago. The CDs can be ordered from our SHOP page (and many...
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SACRO SANCTUS "Liber III: Codex Templarum" details.
September 1, 2018
And our third September release is the new album by the project of Albert Bell, the seasoned Maltese heavy metal purveyor (FORSAKEN, NOMAD SON, Malta Doom Metal festival) who sounds the clarion of battle once more with his third...
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ARKHAM WITCH "Get Thothed Vol. II" EP details.
April 30, 2016
Together with the regular full-length CD releases (of ALBRT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS, CADAVERIC POISON and WILDHUNT) and our annual compilation, we released a special one: an EP of ARKHAM WITCH "Get Thothed Vol. II". Like the title...
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Albert Bell's SACRO SANCTUS "Ad Aeternum" details and pre-order.
April 27, 2016
It's high time to announce our next releases, to be out as always at the Keep It True festival, which is on April 29th this year. The first one of them is ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS "Ad Aeternum". On his second solo album Albert...
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November 30, 2015
This Hammer of Doom festival was the release date for 2 new MOMR albums: ARKHAM WITCH "I Am Providence" and MORTALICUM "Eyes of the Demon", and one re-release ARKHAM WITCH "Legions of the Deep Respawned". The CDs can be ordered...
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ARKHAM WITCH "Legions of the Deep Respawned" pre-order.
November 19, 2015
The 2nd album of ARKHAM WITCH "Legions of the Deep", released exactly 3 years ago, in November 2012, has been sold out since some time and there's been still a significant demand for it, so we've decided to re-release it. The...
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