Compendium Of Metal

"Compendium of Metal Vol. 6" and 2013 release plan.

April 14, 2013 By Jowita
in 2013 releases, Compendium Of Metal, various styles
"Compendium of Metal Vol. 6" will be released on April 19th at the Keep It True festival. Our new compilation CD features 14 songs of 13 bands, and this time most of the songs on it are previously unreleased (MELIAH RAGE and...
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"Compendium Of Metal Vol. 5" and 2012 release plan.

June 15, 2012 By Jowita
in 2012 releases, Compendium Of Metal, shop, various styles
"Compendium Of Metal Vol. 5" CD was released already on April 27th at the Keep It True festival, but only now we have added it to the SHOP, so it's time to officially announce it. The CD features an exclusive song of ARKHAM WITCH...
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