2023 releases

SHAYTAN "Chapter One" album details.
December 10, 2023
The third of our December 15th releases is "Chapter One", the debut album of SHAYTAN. This German band, previously known as DEMON INCARNATE (before they changed the vocalist last year), delivers raw, no-nonsense traditional doom...
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STUKA SQUADRON "Zeppelin" album details.
December 10, 2023
The long-awaited sophomore full-length of STUKA SQUADRON titled "Zeppelin" is being unleashed at last on December 15th. And it was definitely worth the wait. This London-based vampire pilots ensemble serves highly varied,...
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ELS FOCS NEGRES "Martiris Carnívors..." album details.
December 10, 2023
The second album of ELS FOCS NEGRES "Martiris Carnívors: Himnes per a un Nou Apocalipsi" will see the light of day on December 15th, together with the new releases of STUKA SQUADRON and SHAYTAN. These Portuguese maniacs spew out...
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ARKHAM WITCH "Beer and Bullet Belts" compilation.
April 17, 2023
The second release we'll have for the Keep It True festival on April 20th is one that we spontaneously decided to create - it's a compilation CD of ARKHAM WITCH titled "Beer and Bullet Belts". The decision was made not only to...
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KINGDOM OF TYRANTS "Architects of Power" details.
April 17, 2023
The day of the long-awaited Keep It True festival is fast approaching and we're excited to come back there to see many great bands, friends from all over the world and to sell our releases, as always. But we're extra excited...
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