
NIGROMANTE are one of the first if not THE first band in Spain representing what some people call NWOTHM, but despite being formed in 2003, until now their discography consisted only of 3 demos and one full-length. After a long hiatus, they're back though, ready to deliver more of what they self-describe as Unholy Heavy Metal. Who liked their debut, will love this new output; who didn't, should definitely check it out as they have improved immensely in every respect: from the songwriting and individual skills to the production. Evil sounding guitar riffs, fantastic hooks and gruff, aggressive vocals (resembling Chris Boltendahl) fill the 36 minutes of its playing time. As they wrote themselves, "no triggers, autotune or other anti music software was used during the making of this album", so you can rest assured your old school ears and metal heart will not be harmed during the listening process. If you like your Heavy Metal unholy and barbaric, and bands like MERCYFUL FATE, GRAVE DIGGER, old RUNNING WILD, BATTLERAGE, JUDAS PRIEST, ANVIL, ANGEL WITCH, IRONSWORD and SATAN, get "Summon the Devil" now!
September 2022
NIGROMANTE was born in Madrid in 2003 with one mission: creating true Unholy Heavy Metal.
Being influenced by the darkest side of the N.W.O.B.H.M., obscure US Metal and early extreme metal, bands as diverse as Angel Witch, Witchfinder General, Celtic Frost, Anvil, Motorhead, Venom, Tyrant, Metallica or Black Sabbath... helped them to create a distinctive style.
Started by Ángel Muñoz (who later played bass in STEEL HORSE and FRENZY) on guitar in 2003, it wasn’t until 2006 when he started to sing for their second demo, still in Spanish language. Line-up changes were constant during that time; all musicians were looking for the trendy sounds of nu-metal, industrial, Euro power, groove, but NIGROMANTE prevailed in their search for a steady line-up to defend the old school sound they were after.
When Jorge Serrano (RANCOR and later also SLOWBURN bass player) joined the band on drums, it was clear they had a great connection and it was the first solid line-up, featuring also Antonio Ardura on bass.
It was in 2008 when they started to play live with bands like GRIM REAPER, PAGAN ALTAR, MIDNIGHT PRIEST, WITCHCURSE, RANCOR, SABATAN, becoming one of the most influential bands in the Spanish underground scene which was growing at that time with festivals like Pounding Metal Fest, Heavy Metal Espectros, Metal Cova, South Bangers...
In 2013, they were approached by Shadow Kingdom Records for releasing their first album, "Black Magic Night", which marked the change from Spanish to English in their lyrics. "Black Magic Night" was released on January 7th 2014, and received great feedback from fans and press, entering many best of the year lists, like those by Chuck Eddy (for Napster Blog) or Mondo Sonoro (mainstream Spanish magazine), among many underground webzines.
Concerts promoting "Black Magic Night" included an epic performance at Heavy Metal Espectros Fest, and shows in Valencia, Madrid, Cuenca, Pontevedra... Everything went smooth, but line-up problems stroke again and NIGROMANTE went on hold by mid-2016 when they were writing their follow-up album.
In 2020, during the COVID-19 lockdown times, Jorge Serrano and Ángel Muñoz started to talk often and felt like summoning NIGROMANTE again. 2021 was the moment for finally recording the second long awaited album "Summon the Devil".
With the new album ready, NIGROMANTE approached Metal on Metal Records, who liked what they heard so much that they sent their offer, and a deal was soon signed. "Summon the Devil" saw the light of day at the Keep It True Rising II festival on September 30th, 2022.
Heavy Metal
Spain (Madrid), 2003
Ángel Muñoz "Choco" Corcuera (vocals and guitars)
Jorge "Serra" Serrano (bass and drums)
• "Demo 2004" (2004)
Demo, self-released
• "Demo 2006" (2006)
Demo, self-released
• "Maqueta 2006" (2006)
Demo, self-released
• "Black Magic Night" (2014)
Full-length, Shadow Kingdom Records
• "Summon the Devil" (2022)
Full-length, Metal On Metal Records