SACRO SANCTUS "Liber III: Codex Templarum" details.

And our third September release is the new album by the project of Albert Bell, the seasoned Maltese heavy metal purveyor (FORSAKEN, NOMAD SON, Malta Doom Metal festival) who sounds the clarion of battle once more with his third installment in the SACRO SANCTUS Templar trilogy, "Liber III: Codex Templarum". This time, the story focuses on the Order of 13's fate following their coerced dissolution including their alleged involvement in insurrections against despotic rule in Scotland and the Alpine lands in the 14th century, and the Knights' links with various secret societies. Templar myth and historical facts are combined to masterful effect again as Albert unleashes riff upon riff of feral old school blackened heavy metal. Handling the vocals, bass and rhythm guitar, he was now joined by drummer Steve Lombardo and guitarist Owen Grech, one of the island's most talented shredders. The musical influences of Albert Bell's SACRO SANCTUS include VENOM, early CELTIC FROST, mid-era BATHORY, MOTORHEAD, SABBAT (UK), ROOT, TÖRR, later ZEMIAL and SAINT VITUS, to name but a few.

Check out a brand new track "Into the Pyre" and a lyric video for "Order of 13" on our YouTube channel.

The aforementioned songs plus "Mater Europa" are available for streaming from the player on ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS page here. Here is the full CD track list:

1. The Widow's Sons
2. Into the Pyre
3. Order of 13
4. To Die for the Cross
5. Warmonger
6. Crown of the Accursed
Part I: The Visitation
Part II: The Exorcism of Raymond De Goth
7. Bannockburn
8. Mater Europa
9. Rosenkreuz

(Cover art by Matthew Sergison-Main)

You can find more info about "Liber III: Codex Templarum" and see the high-res cover on the page of this release.

Until September 7th midnight Standard Central European Time (UTC+1), you can order this CD from our SHOP page with German shipping rates, which are especially convenient for orders from Germany and from outside of Europe. You can purchase it also in convenient bundles with the previous albums "Ad Aeternum" and "Deus Volt", with sterling silver logo pendant and new T-shirt (available in all sizes). After that date, we will change the shipping rates back to the Italian ones.

Like all our releases, also this album is available as digital download (in lossless formats) from our Bandcamp page. Later on, it will be distributed digitally by CD Baby and made available also from iTunes, Amazon MP3, eMusic and other retailers.

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