METAL LAW "Hellrider" album details.

We had planned 3 releases for Hammer of Doom festival: METAL LAW "Hellrider", SACRED GATE "Countdown to Armageddon" and ATTACKER "Sins of the World"... Unfortunately, we found out that these plans have to change in a rather brutal way, when we went to our German pressing plant to pick up the CDs last Thursday. They informed us about the delay which was caused by a company from which they order jewel cases - all they had done was printing the booklets for all 3 titles. Long story short, they've got huge delays with all productions and the completion of ours has been pushed back one week. After the initial disbelief, followed by denial, we realized we had to come up with a plan B. To say we are frustrated is an understatement. In the end, we decided to set up a pre-order with German postage and come back to Germany in the first half of December in order to do all the shipping (for distributors, customers and promos for magazines), so that both we and those who'd order the CDs (and not only) could save on the shipping costs and time (yes, even time, considering how not only expensive but also ridiculously slow Italian Post is). We started looking for festivals and shows in this period, so that we wouldn't have to travel solely to send the stuff, but even if we don't find anything interesting enough, we'll be back in Germany in the begining of December regardless, as we're expecting to get the CDs at the end of November. Meanwhile, everybody who pre-orders any of the 3 CDs, will not only get it with the usual 2 Euro discount and convenient shipping price, but will also get the code for downloading the album from our Bandcamp page.
Anyway, the first one of the planned releases is the very long awaited 3rd album of METAL LAW, whose previous full-length "Lawbreaker" we released in 2008 (and re-released in 2013), "Hellrider". As you can tell from the titles and the cover, these Germans didn't change their style. But if something works well and is as convincing and enjoyable as their songs, there's no need for a change or experimenting (the only thing that has changed is the recording and production quality - the new album definitely sounds better). This is pure traditional heavy metal for all those metalheads who can never get enough of IRON MAIDEN, MANOWAR, JUDAS PRIEST, ACCEPT, old RUNNING WILD, GRAVE DIGGER etc.
Here's the promo clip for "Hellrider" album (featuring a fragment of "Hellride of Steel" song), edited by the band's drummer (and sound engineer), Maximilian Schulz, showing the band on stage as well as in the recording studio:
You can listen to two full songs from this album from our YouTube channel ("Hellrider" here and "The Liar" here) or from the Bandcamp player on the METAL LAW page, where we put also a third song, "Masquerade". The album track listing is as follows:
2. Masquerade
3. Hellrider
4. Thundergod
5. This Dream
6. Lord of Evil
7. Hellride of Steel
8. The Liar
9. In Metal We Trust
10. Power and Glory
11. Invader
12. Crusaders of Light [bonus track]
(Cover art by Jowita Kaminska-Peruzzi)
You can find more info about "Hellrider" and see the high-res cover on the page of this release.
Until December 6th, you can pre-order METAL LAW "Hellrider" CD from our SHOP page with 2 Euro discount. We've made it available also in a convenient bundle with the previous CD ("Lawbreaker"), as well as with the "Lawbreaker" T-shirt (we still have 8 T-shirts left) - and with both the previous album and the T-shirt.
If you don't collect CDs, you can buy "Hellrider" as digital download (in lossless formats) from our Bandcamp page. Later on the album will be distributed digitally by CD Baby and made available also from iTunes, Amazon MP3, eMusic and other retailers.